All elementary schools across the English Montreal School Board offer various levels of French language instruction integrated within the Québec Education Program.
As a pioneer in French Immersion education, Dunrae Gardens has a long history of developing fluently bilingual graduates. We provide a 100% French curriculum (with the exception of 60 minutes per week) for kindergarten and Cycle 1 (grades 1 and 2) students. Then, in Cycles 2 and 3 (grades 3 through 6), the curriculum is divided evenly between French and English.
We pride ourselves on the quality of our French Immersion Education program, which is reinforced by generally requiring students to use French exclusively in all French-language classrooms.
Research shows that instruction via French immersion has many cognitive benefits beyond those of language acquisition, such as heightened mental flexibility, creative thinking skills, enhanced metalinguistic awareness as well as greater communicative sensitivity.
As a further indication of the success if this program, Dunrae students regularly distinguish themselves at the Dictée PGL, a Regional Competition launched in 1990.